Fincog’s ”Banking for Tomorrow” spoort banken aan om in te spelen op klantbehoeften. CEO Jeroen de Bel: “Het rapport behandelt de digitalisering, het gebruik van data, de concurrentie van Big Techs en de behoefte aan purpose-based banking.” Fincog interviewde 12 experts waaronder Ali Niknam (bunq), Piet Sprengers (ASN Bank), Jan van Vonno (Tink), Leda Glyptis (10x) en Wim Meijs, CEO European Banking Federation. Lees meer

Fincog highlights seven critical components for banks to weather the storm

Banking for Tomorrow” expert report urges banks to address customer needs by transforming their organization across seven critical components.

On Thursday 15 September, Don Ginsel, CEO of Holland Fintech, received Fincog’s “Banking for Tomorrow” expert report from the hands of its CEO and founder, Jeroen de Bel.

The report outlines recent trends and dynamics across the financial sector, discussing how banking needs to transform in the coming years. It highlights structural trends – digitalization, financial innovation, evolving customer needs – along with macro-economic events – COVID, inflation, climate change – and what impacts these will have on the industry.
The Fincog report culminates with seven critical components for building the Bank of Tomorrow. Fincog CEO Jeroen de Bel: “Many banks already find themselves in difficulty due to legacy organizations and systems. They struggle to keep up with evolving customer experience and to achieve healthy financial returns. Current market trends and dynamics are forming a perfect storm, and banks need to respond now. Otherwise, they may soon fall too far behind.”
The report’s key message is that amidst the market developments customer needs will dictate the future of banks. This requires financial institutions to keep up with innovation and changing operational models in today’s technology-driven environment. Banks will need to differentiate by building digital capabilities that deliver connectivity, real time enablement, robustness of system, and scalability, with an open infrastructure to support.
The Fincog Consultancy Group (Fincog), established in 2017, interviewed over a dozen experts to share their insights on how banks can best respond to the new reality, including Ali Niknam (bunq), Piet Sprengers (ASN Bank), Jan van Vonno (Tink) and Leda Glyptis (10x). Wim Mijs, CEO of the European Banking Federation (EBF), was also interviewed and wrote the report’s foreword.
The Fincog “Banking for Tomorrow” expert report can be downloaded HERE.